

I made gingham rose in November 2017. It was originally intended to be a lolita-centered blog, but I’ve adapted it to include a little bit of everything that I like. You’ll mostly see slices of my life in here, sprinkled with the occasional product or media review. My writing style can be kind of flowery and rose-colored. I’m really inspired by Victorian/Edwardian children’s literature (in particular: The Secret Garden, Anne of Green Gables, and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland), and I’m always seeking bits of magic in everyday life. I’m enamored with old-fashioned and romantic things. At the same time, I’m a child of the early 2000s and I love video games, browsing the internet, and learning about technology. My life really isn’t all that interesting, but maybe some people will find my ramblings amusing. Leave me a comment, and let’s be friends~

2 Responses to about

  1. Luna says:

    Happy Birthday!! I hope your day is as lovely as your bright shining personality, and as sweet and wholesome as your heart! 🙂 Have a lovely day ^-^

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