Mochi and Magazines

Yesterday was about as eventful as a day could get while still following COVID safety guidelines. We made the 2-hour trek to Mitsuwa Marketplace in Edgewater, New Jersey. This is a Japanese marketplace with loads of imported groceries, books, and other goods that are usually difficult to find in America. I’ve visited several times but it’s been years since my last visit, so it was great to be back, even though the current 25% occupancy limit meant we had to wait outside in the cold for a bit, it was so worth it!

After buying groceries we had lunch—I had a spicy tuna bun from the bakery, and Hokkaido-style “melty pork” ramen~ There was also a new stall selling “mochi donuts”. These are donuts made with tapioca flour, giving them a chewy mochi-like texture. The donuts had such a satisfying chewy texture and were not overly-sweet. My favorite was the black sesame flavor.

Besides food, I also bought some Sailor Moon stickers for myself, and some Japanese Pokémon cards for me and my boyfriend, as we have recently gotten really into collecting Pokémon cards. At the Kinokuniya bookstore, my boyfriend bought a volume of one of his favorite manga (Komisan wa, Komyushō desu, it’s very cute and I highly recommend it) and I got something I’ve been wanting for a looong time now: my own copy of the Gothic & Lolita Bible. The issue I picked up is the Winter 2016 edition, and I must say it exceeded my expectations. It is full of gorgeous illustrations, outfit shots, makeup tutorials, reviews of various Japanese sweets shops, and even a gorgeous manga short story. I dearly wish I could read Japanese, so I could fully appreciate it ~ perhaps someday I will learn!

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4 Responses to Mochi and Magazines

  1. Pinstripe Prince says:

    My Lady,
    It has been a long time. I check back in every now and again to your cozy gingham corner to see if the muse is inspiring you. I am happy to see that it has as of late–and somewhat prolifically at that!
    It sounds a delightful little adventure. I must say I am curious as to how you dressed for the occasion.
    As to your newly acquired Gothic & Lolita Bible, might I offer myself to assist you in reading it? I know not when I shall be in your lovely company again, but if I may be so bold, to spend a gentle evening reading alongside you by candlelight would be a true pleasure.

    Forever Yours,
    Pinstripe Prince

    • Lady Nicole says:

      Dearest Prince,
      My my, it has been some time, hasn’t it? I’m afraid I didn’t wear anything too special for the occasion, just a simple blouse and skirt, which ended up being covered up the entire time by a winter coat.
      There is nothing I would enjoy more than the evening you have described –perhaps paired with some delicate snacks, strawberries or chocolate bonbons.


  2. Luna says:

    Mochi texture donuts… that is such an interesting concept! I hope I get to try something like that someday!

    I am glad to see that you’re still having enjoyable days despite Covid! I love seeing how others are able to find joy in things even in these strange times. It warms my heart.

    Out of curiosity, did the marketplace you went to require mask-wearing? My state has made mask-wearing in public spaces mandatory, but I am not familiar with the codes of other states, etc.

    Overall though, this was a pleasant update to see! 🙂 I greatly enjoy your daily life and diary style updates as well as other genres of posts from you 🙂 you have a sparkling personality that shines through in everything you write about!

    I hope truly that you’re having a lovely day!

    • Lady Nicole says:

      Yes, the marketplace did enforce mask-wearing. I’m actually from Pennsylvania, not New Jersey but I believe it is mandated in both states. Though of course some places seem to be stricter than others 🙂

      My goodness, you are too sweet. >///< It is kind of funny that you say that because I often think the same about you when I watch your videos! I hope that you are doing lovely and staying safe yourself, and I'm looking forward to more content from you <3 Love, Nicole

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