It was now the middle of June…strawberries, and only strawberries, could now be thought or spoken of.
Emma, Jane Austen

I’ve never really felt a strong connection with my astrological sign. What I do feel a personal connection with are strawberries. They have always been a favorite food of mine. As a young girl I would wolf down a carton of strawberries in one sitting with ease (a rare luxury in my adult life, now I know just how expensive summer fruits actually are). It’s hard to explain, but I honestly somehow feel a spiritual connection with the sweet, tart berries. It helps that my birthday falls right in the middle of harvest-time for strawberries.
I am trying to be more attentive to detail, especially in terms of the subtle changes in nature throughout the year. It’s probably owing to my own centeredness, but the time around my birthday really is special to me. It took me a long time to realize that my birthday technically is in spring, not summer, because of how hot it usually is by then. Of course, there are the strawberries. I have also noticed that the honeysuckles are in full bloom at this time. I think it is early yet for fireflies, but I think they will come around within the next week or two–It is hard for me to remember now that I no longer live in the countryside.
Am I the only one who likes to think about their birthday in terms of nature? What sorts of things do you associate with your birthday?
I am so sorry that this is belated, but Happy Birthday, Lady Nicole!! I hope you had a wonderful day, full of happiness and lots of fun times!
Thank you so much! <3 I had a great day!