Thrift-Store Adventures

I am dying to go on an adventure, but it has been far too cold. I really do despise the cold. I wish I were a mermaid, then I would fill a tub with hot water and fall asleep in it and probably stay there until spring.

My favorite kinds of adventures are the outdoors ones, but since that is not ideal right now I have settled for the indoors type. Reading a novel (in my opinion) is like an adventure of sorts, so today I sat in the milk tea cafe down the street and went on a little adventure with Diana Wynne Jones. I also took a peek in the nearby thrift-store. I absolutely love thrift-stores; you never know what you’ll find in them, and often the items have a lot of personality. I have my eye on this tea-set, but I couldn’t really justify buying it at the present moment. (My current dream in life is to become a self-sufficient individual with an eclectic collection of porcelain and vintage doilies in her living room. I don’t think this is too improbable as far as dreams go, but I haven’t made much progress yet.)

This certainly isn’t the most exciting diary entry, but personally these small joys and comforts are what keep me going through the rather dry, dreary month of January. (Can you tell I’m not a winter person?) I hope whoever reads this is having a lovely, warm day, and if you’re feeling down, I suggest going to your nearby thrift-store or antique shop and see what treasures you may find. Even if you don’t end up buying anything, it is a lot of fun to look at the merchandise and imagine what past lives the items may have had. 

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3 Responses to Thrift-Store Adventures

  1. Pinstripe Prince says:

    My Lady,
    The tea-set is lovely. Come spring when the crocuses peak through the last layer of snow perhaps you will find inspiration for its purchase. A picnic perhaps, on a grassy hill in early summer for a party of five. We can have strawberries and cream with our tea, and should a light breeze happen to blow a ribbon from your hair, know that I shall chase after it and bring it back in the manner of a true gentleman.

    Dutifully Yours,
    ~Pinstripe Prince

    • nicole says:

      Dearest Prince,

      Such a lovely vision could only be produced by a lovely and romantic mind such as yours. I do hope it will one day come true. For now, I will save my pennies for that tea-set, and I trust you will find a nice picnic blanket and basket?


  2. Pinstripe Prince says:

    My Dear Lady,
    The blanket shall be, needless to say, a strawberry gingham, and you can be sure I shall find a wicker basket to please your tastes.

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