Once upon a time, there was a Princess named Skye. She was a kind and thoughtful Princess, and she made it her Mission to inform people around the world that they, too, could be Princesses like her. And so she enacted an International Princess Day, a special day for aspiring royals to treat themselves with the luxuries they deserve. It is said that even now, on May 5, a secret society of Princesses and Princes still celebrate this holiday.
(Thank you Princess Lunaria for reminding me about International Princess Day! If you are interested in learning more about Princess Skye, you can read one of my previous posts here.)

This year’s Princess Day Festivities did not begin until 4 o’clock, because I am currently working full-time (which I am very grateful for, by the way). My Boyfriend and I prepared an afternoon tea service of pink-and-white cookies, raspberry hearts from Trader Joe’s, cucumber sandwiches, and my favorite Thé Marie Antoinette, which is a black tea blended with rose petals and dried apples from the Versailles gardens. It may not sound like much, but this was actually very filling, and ended up doubling as our dinner. My Pullip doll Elise and a few of my stuffed animals joined in the festivities as well~ (I wish all of my stuffed animals could have participated, but our dining-table isn’t anywhere near large enough!)
After tea I relaxed for a bit with some video games. I don’t think I’ve talked about it much on this blog, but I love video games, and I’ve been playing them for as long as I’ve been able to read. Today I started a new game, Secret of Mana for the Super Nintendo. It really made me feel nostalgic, which might sound odd given I’ve never played it before and it was published before I was born. I just really adore that era of games; they remind me of my childhood when I used to spend summer weekends at my grandmother’s beach-house, and my brother and I would come in after a long day swimming in the ocean and eating ice cream to play her SNES. Of course, my day wouldn’t be complete without me also playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons–after 180 hours of playtime it still brings so much joy into my life. It was raining on my island today, and even though I don’t like rain all that much in general, I love when it rains in-game. The sound is so relaxing, and lots of rare and valuable fish appear in the ocean, and all the animals look so cute walking around with their raincoats and hats on~
I ended this year’s Princess Day with a hot bath of epsom salts and shimmery bubbles. I lit a candle and settled in with a book for maximum comfort and luxury. I am currently reading Lady Audley’s Secret, which is a Victorian sensationalist novel published in 1862. It really is a gripping read so far. Even though it was written so long ago, somehow it doesn’t feel too different from a contemporary thriller novel!
That concludes my summary of my Princess Day~ Did you celebrate Princess Day this year? I would love to hear about it in the comments~
I’m glad to hear your Princess Day went so well! It sounds absolutely lovely. I’m also glad to hear you spent yours with good company 🙂
I spent mine just mostly relaxing. I did start it with a lovely bath. I wanted to try out some new bath products I picked up the other day, so I did. They were nice, though one of them (Himalayan pink salt bath salts), I’m not entirely sure what the benefits were … ^-^”
I also played a little ACNH! I totally love that game.
Sincerely Your Friend,
I’m glad you had a relaxing Princess Day~ Epsom salts are said to help deliver magnesium to your body which helps with muscle ache and fatigue–this has been a Godsend to me lately, because I’ve been having a lot of lower back pain since the lockdown situation has me sitting down so much. >.< But I digress..I actually hadn't heard of Himalayan salt baths before--I've used the salt on my food though! A Google search tells me that they can help with inflammation of the skin. I think rubbing salt into your skin can help exfoliate, too (just don't put it on your face, it's much too harsh for that) ~Lady Nicole