My apologies for my absence here these past few weeks. A few days after Thanksgiving, I got very sick. Then as soon as I recovered, I was busy preparing for a big trip to Asia. I am in Asia now and I have been here for a few days. Actually, last year I also traveled to Asia (specifically, Hong Kong and Penang) but I didn’t blog about it–I didn’t take many photos because I wanted to focus on “living in the moment”. Although I believe my intentions were good, I regret not taking more photos/not writing about my experiences. My posts about my trip to Peru are some of my favorites–it is wonderful to look back on that once-in-a-lifetime experience, especially because there are some details in there that I probably would have forgotten about, had I not preserved them in writing.
Anyway, I’ll just get to the main point of this post, which is to say that I am working on a day-by-day account of my trip. I am already a few days behind on this task But I promise I will deliver soon! I am really excited to share my experiences on here, my wonderful little home on the internet~
I’m sorry to hear that you were sick. A trip sounds super exciting though! I hope you are having lots of fun!
Oh, I think I complain too much. It was just a stomach virus, but it’s the sickest I’ve been in a long time so it took a lot out of me. Thank you!! It’s definitely nice to be somewhere warm and sunny for a change.
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